Project - Women Of Almere
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Unity in Diversity
About the project
It is unique and extraordinary that this small nation below sea level called the Netherlands is home to hundreds of nationalities and ethnic groups from all over the world and at the same time has managed to have a society that generally lives in harmony and respect.
It is even more surprising, interesting, and special that the city of Almere, with only 44 years of existence, is home to 187 ethnic groups and 160 different nationalities. What makes this city so unique that in such a short time there are already so many residents from all corners of the world?
Women of Almere 101" (One on One) is a project that aims to highlight, through a photo-report with stories, the multiculturalism, and tolerance of a young and modern city called Almere. We talk about the importance of the immigrant women who make up this multi-ethnic and multicultural society in which each one has her own story about how she came to this country and also about the experiences lived in this new city.
Who are all these Almeerders? Where do they come from? And what brought them here? What do they do in their daily life and how do they contribute to the pleasant atmosphere of their city? In Almere, everyone has their own story and anecdotes; some good, some bad, some valuable and some sad. We have all left something behind in our home country and have started a new life in this country that welcomes us. What attracted us to move here and what is the life experience we have? What connects us to this society that is becoming more and more culturally diverse? What unites us?

To show the world, through the eyes of 20 women of 20 different nationalities what it is like to live in a diverse multicultural society like Almere. The focus in this first stage is on Spanish-speaking countries.
To highlight the importance of the role of migrant women in the multicultural society of the Netherlands, especially in the city of Almere.
To make known the culture, traditions, customs and history of the countries of origin of the participants.
Almere is a planned city and municipality in the province of Flevoland, The Netherlands, bordering Lelystad and Zeewolde. The land on which the city sits, the Southern Flevoland polder, was reclaimed from the IJsselmeer from 1959 to 1968. The first house was finished in 1976, and Almere became a municipality in 1984.
The city is only a few decades old and has the largest population of the municipalities in Flevoland with 207,904 citizens in 2019 and the 7th largest in the Netherlands.[10] In October 2007, the city council of Almere made agreements with the government to expand the city to 350,000 inhabitants by 2030. The city is still developing as part of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. It is constantly exploring the current quest for greener, more sustainable and resilient urbanism. The city will be the host of the World Horticulture Exhibition Floriade 2022.

Many people migrate and many countries and cities like Almere are built on migrants, but that does not mean that changing countries is an easy step. The stress of moving and adapting to the new country, finding work, learning a new language, as well as losing so much of the old, can cause problems for migrants.
When the migration is a fact of life, take it with a positive mind and try not to focus on what you have lost and do not have. Think about the new things you are able to experience and learn. No one place has all the benefits of another, but each country is unique and surprising.

As individuals, we all bring with us different experiences that can profoundly influence the society in which we have settled. Almere is a multicultural society, where immigrants play an important role in shaping its cultural landscape, having brought with them their own beliefs and attitudes that shape their perception of their new city. They transmit their experiences and beliefs to their children, encouraging them to follow diverse cultural practices that may differ from those practiced by the host society.
Immigrants' children grow up in a society where they learn about the world their parents came from and the society they call home. The society and culture of Almere obviously reflect the experiences of its international inhabitants where women play a special role.
No matter how different our backgrounds and nationalities are, there are many things that connect us: freedom, internationalism, globalisation, solidarity, positivism, empowerment, tolerance and respect. All these values with which we have all learned to live in this multicultural society makes us a "rich and colorful city".

Importance of women
Women, traditionally (in many countries) are at the core of household management. The list of tasks ranging from giving birth, raising children and overseeing most household needs to work to provide the family income are all carried out by women. In addition, they are often responsible for the continuity of tradition and culture for the next generations. Therefore, "Women are a strong connecting factor in society and active participants in all areas of life by influencing the course of social change".